
Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari rizkyanom56 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

AntibioticAntibiotic is kind of compounds both natural and synthetic, which has function to press or stop a process of organism’s growth, particularly bacteria. Antibiotic is used to treat bacterial infections and used as a tool for genetic engineering in biotechnology. Antibiotic works as pesticides by pressing or break the chain of bacteria’s metabolism. Nevertheless, antibiotic is different with disinfectant in the process to kills bacteria. Disinfectant kills bacteria by creating an unnatural environment for germs to live.
In terms of treatment, antibiotics dubbed as “magic bullet “because antibiotic kills instantly without injuring its sufferers. Although antibiotic is good for medication, it is not effective in handling infection caused by viruses, fungi, or other nonbacterial.
Antibiotic has diverse types based on their effectiveness against bacteria. There are antibiotics that target gram- negative or gram- positive bacteria and some antibiotic has wider spectrum. The effectiveness depends on location of the infection and the ability of antibiotic to reach location of the infection. Based on how to use, antibiotics are divided into two that are oral antibiotics and antibiotic intradermal. An oral antibiotic is used by mouth while antibiotic intradermal used through anus. Intradermal antibiotic is used for serious cases.
What is the best title for the text above?
How antibiotic is work
The invention of antibiotic
Kinds of antibiotic
Which one is not true?
Antibiotic is used to treat bacterial infections
Antibiotic is not same with disinfectant
Antibiotic kills instantly without injuring its sufferers
Antibiotic is effective in handling infection caused by viruses
In terms of treatment, antibiotics dubbed as “magic bullet “…. (Paragraph2)
The underline word close in meaning to….
What is the purpose of the text above?
To inform about antibiotic
To describe about antibiotic
To inform about disinfectant
To describe about antibiotic
What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
Antibiotic is a compound
Antibiotic is good for medication
Antibiotic is not good for fungi
Antibiotic kill without injuring its suffers​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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Antibiotik adalah senyawa alami dan sintetik yang berfungsi untuk menekan atau menghentikan suatu proses pertumbuhan suatu organisme, khususnya bakteri. Antibiotik digunakan untuk mengobati bakteri

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Last Update: Fri, 04 Jun 21