NilaiActivity 1: Reading ComprehensionRead the following text! Then answer the

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari ihaslina717 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

NilaiActivity 1: Reading Comprehension
Read the following text! Then answer the questions!
When I was a kid, I lived with my grandparents in a village, I lived there for six years. My parents
worked in Jakarta, but they went home twice a month. They also called me every day. When!
was in the third grade, I was naughty. I used to play in the river without permission. When my
grandmother knew it, she hit me with a bamboo stick. When I was nine, I was almost drown.
Fortunately, someone saved me. From that incident, I didn't play in the river anymore.
1. What is the text about?
2 = 1.40
4. Mention the bad thing that the writer did!
Why did the writer live with his grandparents?
What happened to the writer at the age
of nine?
How was the writer in the third grade?​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. The text is about a Narrative / Recount text which is based on the writer's experience. The event mentioned tells about the writer's childhood. He lived with his grandparents in a village for six years. As his parents gone to Jakarta. (Insert the rest of the story if you intend to)

2. His parents gone to Jakarta to work there. Thus, he lived with his grandparents.

3. As the message expressed on the text, "When I was in the third grade, I was naughty."

4. Same as before, the answer can be seen from the text, "I used to play in the river without permission. When my  grandmother knew it, she hit me with a bamboo stick."

5. The answer is following: "When I was nine, I was almost drown.  Fortunately, someone saved me. From that incident, I didn't play in the river anymore."

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Last Update: Sun, 20 Jun 21