.Dialog for question no 1Leo: Gosh! My computer is suddenly

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari deana57 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

.Dialog for question no 1
Leo: Gosh! My computer is suddenly out of order. I can’t finish my work.
Corry: …… I’m sure he can fix it more quickly and you can continue working.
Leo: You’re right. Would you give me his number?
1. *

Let me see what’s wrong with it
Why don’t you call a technician?
Do you want me to fix it for you?
Can you check it for me, please?
Dialog for question no 2
Boy: Do you want to go to the new restaurant around here? My friends told me that the beef steak is so delicious.
Girl: …………………………………….
2. *

You’d better leave for school early
I hope your friend will get well soon
Of course, let’s go. Moreover, I feel hungry
I don’t care
Dialog for question no 3
Melinda: The price of all goods in the market keeps increasing. We need to live economically.
Edison: …….. Shopping for luxurious things is not necessary.
Melinda: Yes, we tend to waste our money on lifestyle things.
3. *

I think differently
I couldn’t agree more
I have a different opinion
I don’t go along with you
4. The meeting was supposed to be held yesterday, but it has been …….. to next Thursday *
Taken off
Worn off
Put off
Called of
5. Tomorrow will be held an examination. You ……… finish all of your task as soon as possible. *

Dialog for question no 6
Vivi: I am going to the minimarket. Do you need anything?
Intan: Can you buy a pack of instant spaghetti? I want to make it for dinner?
Vivi: Okay, ……….
6. *

I’ll buy it for you
I want to buy it for you
I need to buy it for you
I was going to buy it for you
Dialog for question no 7
Ara: Where is our mother?
Rere: She is in the kitchen. ……………..
Ara: Okey. I’ll help her.
7. *

She should have cooking lunch
She is preparing our meal
She is helping father in the office
She used to order some fruits from the place
Dialog for question no 8
Meylan: What did you do yesterday afternoon after school hours?
John: ………………………….
Meylan: No wonder. You have a well built body
8. *

I went jogging
I watched television
I went to gym
I met my friends to have coffee
Dialog for question no 9
Dona: I get tired very easily now.
Renata: ……… I’m sure it will make your body fit and fresh
9. *

How about eating a lot?
I suggest that you be strong.
Why don’t you exercise?
I think you should work hard.
Dialog for question no 10
Doctor: ….. smoking if you don’t want to get sick.
Patient: Yes sir, I will try.
10. *

What if you stop
You must stop
How about
Maybe you can stop
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Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. why don't you call the technician?

2.of course, let's go. morever, i feel hungry

3. i have a different opinion

4. taken off

5. must

6. i'll buy it for you

7. she is preparing our meal

8. i went to gym

9. why don't you exercise?

10. you must stop


maaf kalau salah

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Last Update: Sun, 30 May 21