Kerjakan latihan ini di buku ,difoto lalu kirim ke ger.Fill

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari bambang1357 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Kerjakan latihan ini di buku ,difoto lalu kirim ke ger.Fill in the blanks with the correct connectives given
although, but ,and however in order
to ,first,so then ,during ,finally because ,after...
Pete and Jenny use Internet ....(1) find their dream
holiday. (2)....they surf the net....(3) choose an
interesting destination. (4)....they buy their tickets,....
(5) they don't need money....(6) they are going to pay
by credit card.(7)....there is one problem.(8)....Peter
wants to bask in the sun,Jenny wants to go skiing! ....
(9) where is it going to be, Hawaii or Switzerland ? ....
(10) they decide to go to Switzerland this year and to
Hawaii next year.
PJJ berlaku sampai jam 12 siang ini.​
Kerjakan latihan ini di buku ,difoto lalu kirim ke ger.Fill in the blanks with the correct connectives givenbelow:although, but ,and however in orderto ,first,so then ,during ,finally because ,after...Pete and Jenny use Internet ....(1) find their dreamholiday. (2)....they surf the net....(3) choose aninteresting destination. (4)....they buy their tickets,....(5) they don't need money....(6) they are going to payby credit card.(7)....there is one problem.(8)....Peterwants to bask in the sun,Jenny wants to go skiing! ....(9) where is it going to be, Hawaii or Switzerland ? ....(10) they decide to go to Switzerland this year and toHawaii next year.PJJ berlaku sampai jam 12 siang ini.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. to

2. so

3. and

4. first

5 but

6. so

7. but

8. because

9. so

10. finally

maaf kalo salah

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Last Update: Tue, 11 May 21