Mobile Phone A mobile phone (also known as a wireless

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Mobile PhoneA mobile phone (also known as a wireless phone or cellular telephone) is a very small portable radio telephone.

The mobile phone can be used to communicate over long distances without wires. It works by communicating with a nearby base station (also called a "cell site") which connects it to the main phone network. As the mobile phone moves around, if the mobile phone gets too far away from the cell it is connected to, that cell sends a message to another cell to tell the new cell to take over the call. This is called a "hand off," and the call continues with the new cell the phone is connected to. The hand-off is done so well and carefully that the user will usually never even know that the call was transferred to another cell

As mobile phones became more popular, they began to cost less money, and more people could afford them. Monthly plans became available for rates as low as US$30 or US$40 a month. Cell phones have become so cheap to own that they have mostly replaced pay phones and phone booths except for urban areas with many people.

Answer the question from the text bellow!

1. What is report text?

2. What does text tell about?

3. What is the purpose of the text?

4. Mention the generic structure of report text!

5. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. Report text is a text which is gave an information about a social, science or technical phenomenon.

2. The text tells about the improvement of mobiles phone.

3. To present an informafion about mobile phones movement.

4. General statement, descriptions, conclucion.

5. Long distance communucation can be taken by mobile phones.


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Last Update: Sun, 30 May 21