B. Write down the activity you do or somebody else

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari fifiazizah599 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

B. Write down the activity you do or somebody else does at your house. Use these adverbs of timeAlways

Almost always


Often (frequently)

Sometimes (once in a while)

Seldom (hardly ever) never

1. I usually have breakfast at 06.30 a.m

2. I never ……

3. Sometimes I …..

4. Mother often …..

5. Rekina , my sister hardly ever …..

6. Once in a while, my father …..

7. My brother and I seldom…..

8. My aunt always ….

9. Sema, my niece, usually …..

10. My grandmother always ……..

11. My grandfather often ……

12. My uncle sometimes ….

13. My cousin rarely …..​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


2. I never ... feeling sad at this time

3.Sometimes I …..playing with grandpa

3.Sometimes I …..playing with grandpa4.Mother often …..preparing breakfast

3.Sometimes I …..playing with grandpa4.Mother often …..preparing breakfast5.Rekina , my sister hardly ever ….. brushing teeth

3.Sometimes I …..playing with grandpa4.Mother often …..preparing breakfast5.Rekina , my sister hardly ever ….. brushing teeth6.Once in a while, my father ….. repairing a broken machine

3.Sometimes I …..playing with grandpa4.Mother often …..preparing breakfast5.Rekina , my sister hardly ever ….. brushing teeth6.Once in a while, my father ….. repairing a broken machine7.My brother and I seldom….. swimming in the back pool

3.Sometimes I …..playing with grandpa4.Mother often …..preparing breakfast5.Rekina , my sister hardly ever ….. brushing teeth6.Once in a while, my father ….. repairing a broken machine7.My brother and I seldom….. swimming in the back pool8.My aunt always ….wake me up in the morning

3.Sometimes I …..playing with grandpa4.Mother often …..preparing breakfast5.Rekina , my sister hardly ever ….. brushing teeth6.Once in a while, my father ….. repairing a broken machine7.My brother and I seldom….. swimming in the back pool8.My aunt always ….wake me up in the morning9.Sema, my niece, usually ……come to my house on sunday

3.Sometimes I …..playing with grandpa4.Mother often …..preparing breakfast5.Rekina , my sister hardly ever ….. brushing teeth6.Once in a while, my father ….. repairing a broken machine7.My brother and I seldom….. swimming in the back pool8.My aunt always ….wake me up in the morning9.Sema, my niece, usually ……come to my house on sunday10.My grandmother always ……..knit clothes for me

3.Sometimes I …..playing with grandpa4.Mother often …..preparing breakfast5.Rekina , my sister hardly ever ….. brushing teeth6.Once in a while, my father ….. repairing a broken machine7.My brother and I seldom….. swimming in the back pool8.My aunt always ….wake me up in the morning9.Sema, my niece, usually ……come to my house on sunday10.My grandmother always ……..knit clothes for me11. My grandfather often …… taking medicine for his illness

3.Sometimes I …..playing with grandpa4.Mother often …..preparing breakfast5.Rekina , my sister hardly ever ….. brushing teeth6.Once in a while, my father ….. repairing a broken machine7.My brother and I seldom….. swimming in the back pool8.My aunt always ….wake me up in the morning9.Sema, my niece, usually ……come to my house on sunday10.My grandmother always ……..knit clothes for me11. My grandfather often …… taking medicine for his illness12. My uncle sometimes …. cut the grass in front of the house

3.Sometimes I …..playing with grandpa4.Mother often …..preparing breakfast5.Rekina , my sister hardly ever ….. brushing teeth6.Once in a while, my father ….. repairing a broken machine7.My brother and I seldom….. swimming in the back pool8.My aunt always ….wake me up in the morning9.Sema, my niece, usually ……come to my house on sunday10.My grandmother always ……..knit clothes for me11. My grandfather often …… taking medicine for his illness12. My uncle sometimes …. cut the grass in front of the house13. My cousin rarely ….. playing with me


Gunakan kata keterangan waktu ini Selalu,Hampir selalu,Biasanya ,Sering (sering), Terkadang (sesekali) ,Jarang (hampir tidak pernah), tidak pernah.

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Last Update: Fri, 23 Jul 21