tolong bantu jawab ya waktu saya cuma 4 jam pliis!!!A.Complete

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari xeonxc5 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Tolong bantu jawab ya waktu saya cuma 4 jam pliis!!!A.Complete the sentences with the correct tag!:
1) We are good students,..?
2) No one can sing this song,...?
3) He put the glass on the table,....?
4) They played badminton last night,...?
5) He doesn't like fried noodle,...?
6) They are very happy to hear that,...?
7) He is afraid of that film,..?
8) They left home at 9 PM yesterday,...?
9) I don't agree with your opinion,...?
10) 1 am your friend,...?

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


We are good students, aren't we.?

2) No one can sing this song, cannot they?

3) He put the glass on the table, doesn't he....?

4) They played badminton last night, didn't they..?

5) He doesn't like fried noodle, does he..?

6) They are very happy to hear that, aren't they..?

7) He is afraid of that film, isn't he.?

8) They left home at 9 PM yesterday, didn'tt they..?

9) I don't agree with your opinion, don't .I.?

10) 1 am your friend,aren't I?


Ini bentuk question tag. Sesuaikan dengan tenses dan bentuknya. Kalau kalimatnya positif maka tag nya negatif. Begitu sebaliknya

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Last Update: Sun, 06 Jun 21