analisis majas dari lagu everything i need​

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Analisis majas dari lagu everything i need​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

\boxed{ \tt \: answer \: by: \green{}\boxed{ \tt \: Reivanramdhani01}}

Born on the wrong side of the ocean

With all the tides against you

You never thought you'd be much good for anyone

But that's so far from the truth

I know there's pain in your heart

And you're covered in scars

Wish you could see what i do  

'Cause baby, everything you are

Is everything i need

You're everything to me

Baby, every single part

Is who you're meant to be

'Cause you were meant for me

And you're everything i need

You can say i'm wrong

You can turn your back against me

But i am here to stay

(I am here to stay)

Like the sea

She keeps kissing the shoreline

No matter how many times he pushes her away

 'Cause baby, everything you are

Is everything i need

You're everything to me

Baby, every single part

Is who you're meant to be

'Cause you were meant for me

 And everything happens for a reason

It's all a blessing in disguise

I used to question who i was

Well now i see

The answer is in your eyes

 'Cause baby, everything you are

Is everything i need

You're everything to me

Baby, every single part

Is who you're meant to be

'Cause you were meant for me

And you're everything i need

Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh reivanramdhani01 dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.

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Last Update: Sat, 05 Jun 21