Alexander Graham Bell was born on March 3, 1847, to

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Alexander Graham Bell was born on March 3, 1847, to Alexander Melville Bell and ElizaGrace Symonds Bell in Edinburgh, Scotland, who was one of the primary inventors of the telephone.
He also did important works in communication for the deaf.
Bell was educated in Edinburgh and London. At the edge of 16 , Bell himself began
researching the mechanics of speech. In 1870, Bell emigrated with his family to Canada, and the
following year he moved to the United States to teach. There he pionereed a system called visible
speech, developed by his father, to teach deaf mute children. In 1872, Bell founded a school in Boston
to train teachers of the deaf. Bell was appointed professor of vocal physiology in 1873.
Bell had long been fascinated by the idea of transmitting speech, and by 1875 had come up
with a simple receiver that could turn electricity into sound. Then, Bell was granted a patent for the
telephone on March 1876 and it developed quickly.
In 1880, Bell was awarded the French Volta Prize for his invention. With the money, he
founded the Volta Laboratory in Washington, where he continued experiments in communication, in
medical research, and in techinique for teaching speech to the deaf.
When Bell died on August 1922, in honor of him, all telephone services in the U.S were
stopped for one minutes.
Taken from Buku Pendalaman Materi UN 2018 Tim Widya Gamma

24. The text mainly discusses ....
A. The appointment of Alexander Graham Bell to be a professor of vocal physiology in 1873
B. The primary telephone inventors who contributed in communication for the deaf
C. A genius student with the degree in both physiology and communication
D. The achievement of Alexander Graham Bell for his invention
E. The experiments in communication for the deaf

25. What achievement did Bell reach?
A. He built a laboratory for communication and medical research.
B. He was honored as the trainer of teachers of the deaf.
C. He was granted an award for inventing telephone.
D. He founded a school in Boston for the deaf.
E. He made a tool for helping deaf teachers.

26. From the text we can conclude that Alexander Garham Bell ...
A. continued his experiment before he was awarded the prize
B. was granted a patent for the telephone in 1880
C. died when the telephone had not developed yet.
D. only did experiments in communication
E. moved to United State in 1871​

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Last Update: Tue, 29 Jun 21