1. Every morning the watchman turns off all the lights

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari faiz0808x pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

1. Every morning the watchman turns off all the lights and … around the building every half an hour.a. walks
b. is walking
c. walking
d. walked
2. Col: Can we postpone the class meeting until Thursday? Bono: I’m afraid not. I … basketball on Thursday.
a. would play
b. played
c. always play
d. have been playing
3. I … at five o’clock every morning.
a. wakes up
b. waking up
c. woke up
d. wake up
4. Nadya is a nice girl. Everybody … her friend.
a. wanting to be
b. want to be
c. wants to be
d. wanted to be
5. This exam is important. You must …
a. studied
b. studies
c. study
d. studying
6. Mr. Agus: Who can answer the question? Lorinda: What is your question, Sir? Mr. Agus: … I’ll read the question once more. Stundents: Yes, sir.
a. Listen carefully!
b. Write your name!
c. Open your book!
d. Look at me!
7. They usually … rice.
a. growing
b. grows
c. is growing
d. grow
8. My sister and brother seldom … shirts. a. wears
b. wearing
c. wear
d. weared
9. Because I always … to school early.
a. goes
b. go
c. going
d. gone
10. She … the house every day.
a. cleans
b. cleaned
c. cleaning
d. clean 11. You and I ... having lunch with my brother right now.
a. am
b. are
c. have
d. is
12. Look ! The teacher ... in the class.
a. is teching
b. is being teaching
c. are teaching
d. is being teach
13. Listen ! Someone ... from second floor. a. are running
b. is run
c. is running
d. is being run
14. Where ... at this moment ?
a. you are shopping    
b. are shopping you
c. do you shopping    
d. are you shopping
15. At this time, my cats ... in the yard.
a. is playing
b. is play
c. are playing
d. are play
16. We ... so happy right now because of our victory
a. are being
b. are feel
c. are doing
d. is feeling
17. I think No body ... here at this time.
a. am being
b. is been
c. are being
d. is being
18. Many birds ... on my house at this morning.
a. is being
b. are been
c. are being
d. are be
19. Everyone ... in the class now.
a. isn't being
b. aren't being
c. is been        
d. are being
20. Why ... so busy right now ?
a. you are being  
b. are you doing
c. are you been         
d. are you being​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. B. Walks

2. B. Always play

3. C. Wake up

4. B. Wants to be

5. C. Study

6. A. Listen Carefully!

7. D. Grow

8. C. Wear

9. B. Go

10. A. Cleans

11. A. Am

12. A. Is teaching

13. C. Is running

14. C. Do you shopping

15. A. Is playing

16. D. Is feeling

17. B. Are been

18. D. are being

19. D. are being

20. C are you been


maaf kalo salah jadikan jawaban yg terbaik :)

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Last Update: Sun, 08 May 22