3 The heart is the most important part of thetext?A.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari kiemensiajawa pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

3 The heart is the most important part of thetext?
A. To introduce the topic
B To conclude the topic.
C. To describe the topic.
D. To give the writer's opinion
This is a leopard, a big cat with bright yellow color and black spots Those black
spols are nearly of the same size from its nose to its tail. It is about six to seven and a half
leet long. People also call this animal panther.
Although it is a big animal, its ears are quite small. However, it has a long tail and it runs very
fast. It jumps very well too. That is why it is good at chasing and catching its preys.
To catch its prey, it often hides on a tree and waits until small animals come near
When the animals come near the tree, the leopard jumps down and kills the animal. A leopard
eals all smaller animals, but it bikes dogs best
4 What does the leopard's skin look like?
A. It has stripy yellow and black colours
B. It has black colour and yellow spots
C. It has yellow colour and black spots
D. It has yellowish black colour
5 Why does a leopard hide in a tree?
A To find small animals in the tree.
B. To eat the prey il catches.
C. To hide from its prey.
D. To bind enemies​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


3. C.

4. C.

5. C


3. kemungkinan jwbnnya itu karna gw gk tau teks nya

4. liat aja di kalimat pertama

5. liat di kalimat 8

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Last Update: Tue, 01 Jun 21