analisislah report text zebra berikut 1. Identify The Generic Structures 2. Identify

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Analisislah report text zebra berikut1. Identify The Generic Structures
2. Identify The Sub Topic or The Main Idea of each paragraph

Zebras are four-legged herbivorous mammal who belong to the Equidae Family (horse family). They have a distinctive black and white stripes skin pattern that became their identity within the Equidae family. There are three species of them in the world, they are: the plains zebra, the mountain zebra and the grevy’s zebra. They are originated from Africa.

The appearance of a zebra is similar to a horse, the difference is their skin patterns. The black and white stripes on their skin help them to protect themselves from the predator. It allows them to disrupt the focus of the predator when they are moving in a group. The stripes may look the same for human’s eye, but it is actually unique just like human fingerprint and it is different from one zebra to the other.

Female zebra is ready for mating when they are three years old, while the male will be ready for that when they are five years old. The color of a baby zebra is brown and white, as they grow older it turns into black and white stripes. A full grown zebra can reach the size of 2,6 m long. The body height can reach 1,3 m and the body weight can reach 350 kg. They can run at the maximum speed of 56 km/h and their kick is strong enough to injure the enemy.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Jawaban dan penjelasan:

1. Identification: A part that talking about the general things of the object being discussed. Its always in the first paragraph

Zebras are four-legged herbivorous mammal who belong to the Equidae Family (horse family). They have a distinctive black and white stripes skin pattern that became their identity within the Equidae family. There are three species of them in the world, they are: the plains zebra, the mountain zebra and the grevy’s zebra. They are originated from Africa

Description: The continue of the first paragraph. This part discusses the continue of the general things

The appearance of a zebra is similar to a horse, the difference is their skin patterns. The black and white stripes on their skin help them to protect themselves from the predator. It allows them to disrupt the focus of the predator when they are moving in a group. The stripes may look the same for human’s eye, but it is actually unique just like human fingerprint and it is different from one zebra to the other.

Female zebra is ready for mating when they are three years old, while the male will be ready for that when they are five years old. The color of a baby zebra is brown and white, as they grow older it turns into black and white stripes. A full grown zebra can reach the size of 2,6 m long. The body height can reach 1,3 m and the body weight can reach 350 kg. They can run at the maximum speed of 56 km/h and their kick is strong enough to injure the enemy

2. The main idea: The main idea is always at the beginning of the sentence of each paragraph. However, there are some paragraphs that put the main idea at the middle or at the end (depending on the author)

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Last Update: Sun, 11 Sep 22