Rewrite the following sentences using 'because of' and 'due toRead

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari tatatertib pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Rewrite the following sentences using 'because of' and 'due toRead your sentences aloud in turns.
1. Dani fell because the floor was slippery.
2. The students cleaned the schoolyard as paper and plastics were scattered everywhere.
3. Farmers will have crop failure since the rice fields lack water.
4. Mawar is very happy because she receives a present from her father.
5. Rista is cheerful as all her friends attend her birthday party,
6. Kiara didn't attend a basketball practice because she had a toothache.
7. Many people lost their belongings as a big fire attacked their residence.
8. The baby boy cried since he is hungry and thirsty.
9. People in certain areas lack water because it is a long dry season.
10. We can't continue walking as it rains heavily.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. Dani fell because of the floor was slippery

2. The students cleaned the schoolyard because of paper and plastics were scattered everywhere.

3. Farmers will have crop failure due to the rice fields lack water.

4. Mawar is very happy because of she receives a present from her father.

5. Rista is cheerful because of all her friends attend her birthday party.

6. Kiara didn't attend a basketball practice because of she had a toothache

7. Many people lost their belongings due to a big fire attacked their residence.

8. The baby boy cried because of he is hungry and thirsty.

9. People in certain areas lack water because of a long dry season.

10. We can't continue walking because of it rains heavily


“Due to” termasuk ke dalam kelas kata adjective atau kata sifat

"Because of” termasuk ke dalam kelas kata adverb atau kata keterangan.

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Last Update: Sun, 16 May 21