1. What do these words refer to :a. "I" refers

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari Bokutokoutaroxa pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

1. What do these words refer to :a. "I" refers to
b. "This" (in 'This is my best place to live.') refers to....
c. "It" (in 'I always put my clean clothes inside it.') refers to ....
2. What are the meanings of these words?
a. "a big wooden wardrobe" (line 6). It means tge wardrobe is from ..
b. "lovely wooden bed"(line 4). the word lovely means ...
c. "daily activities"(line 12) the world daily means ..
d. " ... then start to do my daily activities .." (line 12). the world start means ...

Tolong dijawabb, tapi jangan ngasal!!!​
1. What do these words refer to :a.

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Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. What do these words refer to :

a. "I" refers to the writer of the text.

b. "This" (in 'This is my best place to live.') refers to the writer's bedroom.

c. "It" (in 'I always put my clean clothes inside it.') refers to the big wooden wardrobe.

2. What are the meanings of these words?

a. "a big wooden wardrobe" (line 6). It means the wardrobe is from wood.

b. "lovely wooden bed" (line 4). the word lovely means beautiful.

c. "daily activities" (line 12) the world daily means every day.

d. " ... then start to do my daily activities .." (line 12). the word start means begin to do something.

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Last Update: Tue, 14 Jun 22