The following text is for questions number 18 to 20The

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari satriapratama24661 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

The following text is for questions number 18 to 20The water lily is a plant of the aquatic family Nymphaeaceae, and of the genus Nymphae
These plants are found in fresh, still water throughout the warm temperate regions. People cultivate
this plant. The plant can grow easily from the seed. It may be frown in containers or ponds.
The water lily is a beautiful plant. It has found leaves. The leaves may float or immerse. The
flower has four sepals and many petals and stamens. The color of this flower maybe white, pink,
yellow, or blue. When the blossoms, it sometimes smells good. Some species of this plant open by day
and closed at night : others open at night and closed by day. The life span of the flower is usually
3. What does the text tell usabout?
A. A plant named waterlily.
B. A beautiful plant grown inwater.
C. An aquatic plantcultivated.
D. Water lily cultivated inponds.​

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gak bisa bahasa Inggris:)

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Last Update: Thu, 08 Jul 21