Use the correct noun or verb forms in the sentences.

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Use the correct noun or verb forms in the sentences. Change the grammatical form of the words if necessary.1. Identify / Identification
a. Market researchers........the target market for a particular product.

b. When an employee joins a large company, he or she is given an......card.

2. Promote / Promotion
a. Advertising agencies are concerned with......of a product.

b. Last week the boss......John because of his outstanding work in the accounting department.

3. Compete / Competition
a. In the marketplaces businesses.....with each other.

b. Sony is major......of General Electric.

4. Determine / Determination
a. The combination of the four P’s......the marketing mix.

b. An accountant makes an accurate......of the expenses of a company.

5. Isolate / Isolation
a. Strategies of product, price. Placement, and promotion are not planned in.......

b. The company doctor......the sick employee in the room at the end of the hall.

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Last Update: Mon, 26 Jul 21