Read the text and answer the question for numbers 36

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari liliskilosembilan pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Read the text and answer the question for numbers 36 to 39.It was the summer of my sophomore year in bigh school. I was fifteen years
anticipating my sixteenth birthday. I only had one thing on my mind, a car. My fathe
I had a discussion to get a car and the responsibilities of owning one. He said we
start shopping for one soon, and we did.
We went to every car dealership every weekend for about three weeks. I could
one that suited me. I knew I wanted a truck, one with four-wheel drive and big ti
thought it was the most practical vehicle since I did a lot of outdoors activities
hunting and fishing, which involved going off road quite often. Finally we came
mid-size pickup that I felt in love with. It was gray with a green splash stripe
side. It was a five speed but my dad said he would teach me how to drive it. T
was clean and still had the new car smell even though it was a used. It had a
with custom speakers too. It was still fifteen so I couldn't drive it myself yet bu
because my dad went driving with me offen. It was still two months until my
I was still bumming rides from my friends.
That's a really sick feeling knowing that you have a vehicle sitting in your
can't drive it. For two months I waited, washing and waxing it almost evers
spotless. As my birthday approached I started getting nervous about my
practiced. I practiced parking and all the fundamentals of driving. On the
birthday I took my driving test. I was so glad that I finally managed to dri
What is the communicative purpose of the text?
A. To tell about the writer's new car.
B. To inform how to buy a new car.
C. To tell how to take care of a new car.
To share the writer's feeling of having a new car.
E. To explain how to drive for the first time.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


A. To tell about the writer's new car

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Last Update: Sat, 05 Jun 21