Read the following dialogue and answer the questions number 9,

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari hendrikdwiprasetyo26 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Read the following dialogue and answer the questions number 9, 10 and 11Mr. Guntur if we open a smal cafe near the school, will students like it?
Miss Sari definitely. Students like hanging out in cafes three days
Mr Guntur i have an idea for a cafe with vintage concept.
Miss Sari it sound like a good concept. It can be either that or a library concept. If you have
books on shelves that the customers can read. I think they will be like it.
Mr. Guntur : that's actually an excelent idea. Thank's for encouraging me, I really appreciate it
Now I'm going to look for ideas for the menu.
Miss Sari : yeah that's a good idea. Let's find out on the internet.

9. What does the students like to do recently?
10. What should Mr. Guntur do to make his small cafe visited by many people?
11. Mention conditional sentence type I based on the dialogue above!
12. Find an interesting news of education from newspaper

Arange these jumbled words and tranlate into Indonesian
17. Can - Javanese_fluently-i-speak
18. Borrow-your-may-1
19. Sit-beside - you?-may-1
20. Water?-me-a-glass-of-you--bring - could​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


9.hanging out in cafe

10.he must open a cafe with a vintage concept such as library concept with books on shelves that the customers can read.

11.if you have books on shelves that the customers can read.i think they will be like it.

17.i can speak javanese bisa bicara bhs jawa dg lancar

18.may i borrow your..bolehkah sy pinjam..

19.may i sit beside you.bolehkah sy duduk disampingmu.

20.could you bring me a glass of water.bisakah km bawakan sy segelas air.

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Last Update: Sun, 06 Jun 21