Fill in the blank with the correct answer!31. Robi and

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari adityagaul3966 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Fill in the blank with the correct answer!31. Robi and his family (have) dinner
12. Mother (cook) in the kitchen now
13. The girls (do) the assignment together
14. The goat runs ... Than a horse ( Slow)
15. My mother is 40 years old. My father is 43 years old. So, my mothe
16. My aunt is 30 years old. My uncle is 35 years old. So, my uncle is ..
17. Aunt Liza ( water ) the floor every morning
18. I (type) some drama scripts
19. Bella usually (browse) some information in the market.
20. Dila and Karla (make ) juice every afternoon.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


31. Robi and his family is having dinner

12. Mother is cooking in the kitchen now

13. The girls are doing the assignment together

14. The goat runs slower Than a horse (Slow)

15. My mother is 40 years old. My father is 43 years old. So, my mother is younger  than father. (Young)

16. My aunt is 30 years old. My uncle is 35 years old. So, my uncle is older than my aunt

17. Aunt Liza waters the floor every morning

18. I typed some drama scripts

19. Bella usually browses some information in the market.

20. Dila and Karla makes juice every afternoon.​

Semoga membantu! semangat belajar :)

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Last Update: Wed, 16 Jun 21