FIND THE ERROR! 1. Dinner is cooking every day 2.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari zuhrahxyy pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

FIND THE ERROR!1. Dinner is cooking every day
2. The London parks are loved by many peoples.
3. The Mona Lisa were painted.
4. Milk is delivered by they in the morning.
5. Flowers are bought hers for the flat. 6. The papers were forget.
7. Julie and Luke was invited to a party.
8. Some report is written every Friday.
9. New houses are built every years.
10. The office is cleaned by mine mother every day.

"Cari kata kata yang salah dan dibenarkan"
Tolong bantu banget teman teman dan guru guru ku bismillah terimakasih ​
FIND THE ERROR! 1. Dinner is cooking every day 2. The London parks are loved by many peoples. 3. The Mona Lisa were painted. 4. Milk is delivered by they in the morning. 5. Flowers are bought hers for the flat. 6. The papers were forget. 7. Julie and Luke was invited to a party. 8. Some report is written every Friday. 9. New houses are built every years. 10. The office is cleaned by mine mother every day.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. "cooking" harusnya cooked
2. "peoples" harusnya people

3. "were" harusnya was
4. "they" harusnya them
5. "hers" harusnya her
6. "forget" harusnya forgotten
7. "was" harusnya were
8. "report is" harusnya "reports are" karena some plural jadi following word(s) harus plural
9. "years" harusnya year
10. "mine" harusnya "my"

maaf kalo bener

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Last Update: Thu, 27 Oct 22