Change the following sentences based on situations 1. The film started

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari vaskfjbasf pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Change the following sentences based on situations1. The film started late. ( ? ) : ..................... *
2. We read Novel Yesterday. ( - ) : ............ *
3. Did you walk to school ?. ( + ) : ................ *
4. She had a great vacation. ( - ) :............ *
5. The student swept the floor. ( - ) : ............ *
jawab ya

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

[ Past Simple ]


(+) The film started late.

(-) The film didn't start late.

(?) Did the film start late?


(+) We read novel yesterday.

(-) We didn't read novel yesterday.

(?) Did we read novel yesterday?


(+) You walked to school.

(-) You didn't walk to school.

(?) Did you walk to school?


(+) She had a great vacation.

(-) She didn't have a great vacation.

(?) Did she have a great vacation?


(+) The student swept the floor.

(-) The student didn't sweep the floor.

(?) Did the student sweep the floor?


Simple Past Tense

Yaitu bentuk tenses yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang telah terjadi pada masa lalu.



  • Subject + Verb 2 + Object
  • Subject + was/were + Object


  • Subject + did + not + Verb 1 + Object
  • Subject + was/were + not + Object


  • Did + Subject + Verb 1 + Object + ?
  • Was/were + Subject + Object + ?

↬Based on Question

Pada soal, perintahnya yaitu mengubah ke bentuk positif, negatif, ataupun introgatif (tergantung nomor) maka berikut ketentuannya:

  • Mengubah ke bentuk positif

Subjek diletakkan di depan, lalu beri verb 2 setelah subjek.

  • Mengubah ke bentuk negatif

Subjek diletakkan di depan, lalu beri did + not + verb 1 setelah subjek.

  • Mengubah ke bentuk introgatif

Letakkan did sebelum subjek, verb 1 setelah subjek lalu beri tanda tanya di akhir.


  • Positive

You made the cheesecake with your sister.

  • Negative

You didn't make the cheesecake with your sister.

  • Interrogative

Didyoumake the cheesecake with your sister?


:: semoga membantu ::


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Past Simple



Grade: 8

Subject: English

Chapter: Past Tense (Past Simple and Continuous)

Categorization code: 8.5.9

Keywords: Change into positive, negative, interrogative

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Last Update: Tue, 22 Jun 21