Absen Number Fill the blanks with the words provided in

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Absen Number Fill the blanks with the words provided in the box Cure B. stables C. promised D. maid E. poisoned F. castle G.regard H) forest 1) flew J) read K) gift L). badly M)Summer place N) asked 0) widow Once upon time there lived princess and a king. The queen had died years earlier.. One day the princess 1)_ her father, the king to marry a 2) --------- who had liked very much. As the king loved his daughter very much, he agreed. The widow and the daughter lived in the palace with the king and the princess However after coming to live the palace. The widow and their daughter treated the princess 3) Therefore the king send the princess to their 4) One day, the king left the palace to see tournament. Before left the princess asked him to send her 5) _to Green Knight. On the way back to palace, the king passed the herdsman and his castle. He asked the herdsman whose cattle they were and was told that they belonged to the Green Knight. The king passed through a 6)_ and saw the great cattle where the knight lived. He sent the knight his daughter regards, but the handsome young man didn't know who she was. Nevertheless the green Kinght gave the king a green book as a 7). When the king arrived at his summer palace. He gave the princess the green book. She was happy 8) the book when suddenly a man 9) _into the castle and attracted her attention. The man was the Green Knight, who came to the princess in her 10) They continued meeting secretly and promised to marry. Unfortunately, the princess step mother found out and had the green Knight 11). After finding out that the Knight fell ill, the princess went to see him by disguising herself as a 12) she brought a few snakes from the king 13 ) with her because she was told that only hey could 14) the Green Knight. She manage to have the cooks make a soup from those snakes. After tree days eating the soup, the Green Knight recovered. Hearing the good news, the princess went to see Green Knight to asked him to marry her, as they 15) before. He refused as he didn't recognized her. The princess then cleaned herself up. The Knight now recognized her and promised to marry her The green Knight and princess eventually wedded and lived happily ever after​

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Last Update: Wed, 06 Jul 22