1. The iron man is.............than the spiderman. The correct comparative

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari zeez12 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

1. The iron man is.............than the spiderman. The correct comparative degree for thesentences above is..............
a. Powerful
b. The powerfullest
c. powerfuller
d. more powerful
2. Maya is......... than her sister.
a. Talkative
b. More talkative
c. so talkative
d. the most talkative
3. Aditya is.............. at class 8e
a. Lazier
b. The laziest
c. the most lazy
d. more lazy
4. The Borobudur Temple is...... in Indonesia.
Which one is correct to complete the sentence?
a. Big enough
b. More big
c. the biggest
d. bigger
5. This pill is........than the caplet
a. More bitter
b. The most bitter
c. more bitterer
d. bitterer
6. The superlative form for, the word "kind" is......
a. More kind
b. The most kind
c. kinder
d. the kindest
7. The comparative form for, the word " fine" is............
b. fined
c. the finest
d. finer
8.The superlative form for word " worse" is
The worst
a. the worst
b. worsest
c. worser
d. worse
9. Today is ....... than yesterday
a. Sunny
b. more sunny
c. sunnier
d. the most sunny
10. Yesterday was....than today
a. So hot
b. Hotter
c. more hot
d. the hottest
11. Uncle drive is.......than father does
a.More careful
b. The most careful
c. so careful
d. carefully
12. This basket is............ among all the baskets
c. heavier
a. Heavy
b. Heavy enough
d. the heaviest
13. Prima is.............boy at the kindergarten.
a. Active
b. So active
c. more active
d. the most active
14. water in the rivers is.... than water in wells
a. fresh
b fresher
c. the freshest
d. too fresh
15. The soup my mother cooks is..... than this restaurant's soup
a. edible
b. not edible
c. the most edible
d. more edible

dilarang ngasal . tolong​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

  1. d. more ___
  2. b. more ___
  3. b. the laziest
  4. c. the biggest
  5. d. bitterer
  6. d. the kindest
  7. finer
  8. a. the worst
  9. c. sunnier
  10. b. hotter
  11. a. more ___
  12. d. the heaviest
  13. d. the most active
  14. b. fresher
  15. d. more___


Comparative ( ... than = ... daripada)

  • adj + er. contoh: easier, hotter, harder
  • more + adj. contoh: more

Superlative (paling... )

  • adj+ est. contoh: the hardest, the darkest
  • most+ adj. contoh: the most interesting, the most beautiful


semangat belajar.....

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Last Update: Thu, 17 Jun 21