Choose the correct word to complete each sentence!1. There has

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari istakorioyyon pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Choose the correct word to complete each sentence!1. There has been a .... (significant / significantly) increase in the number of women students at Cambridge University in recent years.

2. Her cherry pie always looks.... (good / well) and tastes delicious.

3. I have made a guess but I do not know if it is the .... (correct / correctly) answer.

4. The kids loved the fair, but they enjoyed the bumper cars.... (most / mostly) of all.

5. I only had time for a .... (quick / quickly) glance at the paper this morning. 6. The empty house was completely.... (silent/silently).

7. There was a.... (fresh / freshly) fall of snow during the night.

8. The lights are too.... (bright/ brightly) in here - they are hurting my eyes.

9. He was getting .... (bored / boring / boringly) of doing the same thing every day. 10. Ann makes .... (beautiful / beautifully) cakes.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


46 - 46 × 46 + (4 × 6)


46Selamat datang di papan klip Gboard, teks apa pun yang Anda salin akan disimpan di sini.

Jawaban:maaf kalo salah :v well,good luck

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Last Update: Wed, 04 May 22