3 Complete the sentences with your ideas. Use thepast perfect

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari monicadiva115 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

3 Complete the sentences with your ideas. Use thepast perfect continuous.
0 The football ground was wet in the morning
because it had been raining all night.
1 The children's bedroom was in a terrible mess
because they
2 Tom was late because he
3 The children were dirty because they
4 We were hungry because we
5 Alice felt sick because he


soal lebih jelas ada di gambar​
3 Complete the sentences with your ideas. Use thepast perfect continuous.0 The football ground was wet in the morningbecause it had been raining all night.1 The children's bedroom was in a terrible messbecause they2 Tom was late because he3 The children were dirty because they4 We were hungry because we5 Alice felt sick because heCOMPLETE THE SENTENCES WITH YOUR IDEAS. USE THE PAST PERFECT CONTINOUSsoal lebih jelas ada di gambar​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Complete the sentences with your ideas. Use the  past perfect continuous.

0.The football ground was wet in the morning  because it had been raining all night.

1. The children's bedroom was in a terrible mess  because they had been playing all the day.

2. Tom was late because he had been watching the TV all night.

3 The children were dirty because they had been playing in the mud.

4 We were hungry because we had not been eating since last morning.

5 Alice felt sick because he had been running after the meal.


untuk ini, kita hanya perlu menambahkan

Had + Been + Verb + -ing

lalu, disini, saya ada kasih bonus berupa keterangan (yg di underline). misal;

-had been swimming since last morning

-had been jogging since 07.00


semoga membantu :)

no copas, no google translate

mapel: B. Inggris

kelas: 5 SD // 6 SD (kl beda kurikulum silahkan tulis dikolom komen, akan saya ubah)

topik: Past perfect continuous tense

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Last Update: Sun, 08 Aug 21