Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari Nof1234 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas
I have one pet that I really care about. his name is Kong. Kong is a very cute and
adorable male cat even though I gave him a strange name, Lmao. it has soft fur if you hold it.
brownish-black fur and yellowish-brown eyes, shine at night. he likes to chase and play with rats.
It makes the sound "Mew" When it sounds Mew, the rat runs away and she catches it. he is a
domestic cat. Samsul likes to sleep on my bed and when I study he likes to bother me by sleeping
on the laptop. but I can't scold him because he's so cute. Everybody loves this creature.
Jawaban dan Penjelasan
Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.
I have a pet.
I have a pet that I care about. His name is Kong. Kong is a cute and adorable domestic male cat, even though I gave him a strange name. It has soft fur if you touch it. He has brownish-black fur and yellowish-brown eyes that shines at night. He likes to chase and play with rats. When Kong makes the sound "Mew", the rat runs away and he will chase and catch it.
Samsul likes to sleep on my bed, and when I study, he likes to bother me by sleeping on the laptop. But I can't scold him because he's so cute. Everybody loves him.
Btw namanya Kong apa Samsul ya? Kok ada dua nama gitu hehe
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Last Update: Mon, 05 Jul 21