Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari evols037 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas
The text is for questions 5 to 8The greenhouse effect is a warning of the air around us. It gets its name from the
greenhouse that people use to grow plants. These greenhouses let in heat from sunlight and
trap it inside. Earth's atmosphere the layer of air that surround our planet also traps heat.
Greenhouse effect raises temperature at a planet's surface may be higher than it
otherwise would be on earth about 33 derajat celcius (59 F) higher. The main gases that
produce the greenhouse effect on earth are water vapour and carbon dioxide. Scientist
suspect that increased discharge of carbon dioxide from human activity ( notably motor
transport and industry) is contributing to global warming.
5. The purpose of the text is.....
a. To persuade the reader that there is the changing of climate
b. To present two points of view on the greenhouse gas effect
c. To explain how greenhouse gas change the climate
d. To inform the changing of atmosphere climate
e. To describe the atmosphere climate
6. The writer wrote the text to...the reader about the greenhouse effect.
a. Entertain
c. Explain
e. amuse
b. Persuade
d. Inform
7. “These green houses let in heat from sunlight and trap it inside” (Paragraph 1).
What does the underline word mean?
a. Obtain
c. Spread
e. catch
b. Give
d. Get
8. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
a. The contribution of global warming
b. The process of greenhouse
c. The definition of greenhouse
d. The profit of greenhouse
e. The effect of greenhouse
greenhouse that people use to grow plants. These greenhouses let in heat from sunlight and
trap it inside. Earth's atmosphere the layer of air that surround our planet also traps heat.
Greenhouse effect raises temperature at a planet's surface may be higher than it
otherwise would be on earth about 33 derajat celcius (59 F) higher. The main gases that
produce the greenhouse effect on earth are water vapour and carbon dioxide. Scientist
suspect that increased discharge of carbon dioxide from human activity ( notably motor
transport and industry) is contributing to global warming.
5. The purpose of the text is.....
a. To persuade the reader that there is the changing of climate
b. To present two points of view on the greenhouse gas effect
c. To explain how greenhouse gas change the climate
d. To inform the changing of atmosphere climate
e. To describe the atmosphere climate
6. The writer wrote the text to...the reader about the greenhouse effect.
a. Entertain
c. Explain
e. amuse
b. Persuade
d. Inform
7. “These green houses let in heat from sunlight and trap it inside” (Paragraph 1).
What does the underline word mean?
a. Obtain
c. Spread
e. catch
b. Give
d. Get
8. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
a. The contribution of global warming
b. The process of greenhouse
c. The definition of greenhouse
d. The profit of greenhouse
e. The effect of greenhouse
Jawaban dan Penjelasan
Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.
5. c. to explain...
6. c. explain
7. d. get (kalau underlined wordnya let in)
8. e. The effect of greenhouse
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Last Update: Mon, 12 Jul 21