Read the text carefully, and then answer the questions below

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari mrpaja999 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Read the text carefully, and then answer the questions below correctly!Next month is April and I’m going to have a trip on next summer holiday. I want to have a great holiday with friends. So,
I need prepare a perfect plan. We are going to go to Co To Island for three days by motorbike and boat. Our trip will
start to Hanoi to Van Don about 250 kilometers by motorbike and from Van Don to Co To Island by boat. After that, we
will books rooms in a hotel and have lunch in a restaurant near hotel with seafood, such as shrimp, fish, and so on. After
lunch, we’ll walk around places near there. The second days, we’ll go watching the sunrise and hiring motorbikes from
the local to visit nature places there. The third days, we’ll go to souvenir market to buy some knick knacks. Finally, we’ll
prepare luggage to return to Hanoi. During trip, camera, money, swimsuit, sunscreen, map, jacket, and hat are
indispensable things.
1. When is the writer’s trip?
2. Where is the writer going to go?
3. What is the writer going to do on the first day?
4. How do the writer and his friend visit some interesting places on the island?
5. What are indispensable stuffs during the trip according to the writer?

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. When is the writer’s trip? Next month in April

2. Where is the writer going to go? the writer is going to go to Co To Island.

3. What is the writer going to do on the first day? the first day trip will

start on Hanoi to Van Don.

4. How do the writer and his friend visit some interesting places on the island? by motorbike and boat.

5. What are indispensable stuffs during the trip according to the writer? camera, money, swimsuit, sunscreen, map, jacket, and hat are indispensable things according to the writer.

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Last Update: Sat, 05 Mar 22