Good morning honorable adjudicators, ladies and gentlemen. When we are

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari erikristinaeri pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Good morning honorable adjudicators, ladies and gentlemen. When we are in restaurants, and public transportations we frequenty see lots of people smoke and that's really has bad impact for those who dont smoke, don't you think so? so, upon the motion We should ban smoking in public places, we define public places as malls, offices and public transportations. We believe that smoking should be banned in public places because it allows for a healthier environmentThe big why, first, it will minimize the bad effect of smoking on passive smokers. Ladies and gentlemen allowing smoking in public places would force passive smokers to inhale the smoke, thus exposing them to higher risks of illneses caused by smoking.

Research shows that non-smoking partners of smokers have an increased chance of develooing lung cancer. This shows that banning smoking in public places will create a healthier environment for passive smokers and second it would help smokers stop their smoking habit.

second, banning smoking in public places would help smokers stop their smoking habit. Many smokers want to quit but find difficulties because they live in a permissible environment that offers convenience for Restricting smoking will help smokers hold back the temptation to smoke smoker.

Studies show that 70% of smokers want to quit but finds it difficult

This shows that banning smoking in public places will take away the temptation of smoking for active smokers--thus creating a healthier environment for them

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Selamat pagi para juri yang terhormat, hadirin sekalian. Ketika kita berada di restoran, dan angkutan umum, kita sering melihat banyak orang merokok dan itu benar-benar berdampak buruk bagi mereka yang merokok, jangan merokok, bukan begitu? Jadi, atas mosi kita harus melarang merokok di tempat umum, kita mendefinisikan tempat umum sebagai mal, perkantoran dan angkutan umum. Kami percaya bahwa merokok harus dilarang di tempat umum karena memungkinkan lingkungan yang lebih sehat alasan besarnya, pertama, meminimalisir efek buruk rokok pada perokok pasif. efek buruk merokok pada perokok pasif. Hadirin sekalian yang mengizinkan merokok di tempat umum akan memaksa perokok pasif.

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Last Update: Tue, 20 Jul 21