Complete the sentence using the correct degree of comparison !

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari mahardikaltfi pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Complete the sentence using the correct degree of comparison ! a. Your bag is...... than mine ( expensive) b. My classroom is the..... off all (clean) c. We hope next time you will be..... than today ( successful ) d. She has the..... house among all his friend ( beautiful ) e. My mother is as as.... your mother (old) f. Your book is...than mine (thin) Change the sentence into (-) and (?) My Brother can drive car​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


a.Your bag ismore expensive than mine ( expensive)

b. My classroom is the cleanest of all (clean)

c. We hope next time you will be more successful than today ( successful )

d. She has the most beautiful house among all his friend ( beautiful )

e. My mother is as old as your mother (old)

f. Your book is thinner than mine (thin)

- Change the sentence into (-) and (?) My Brother can drive a car​.

( - ) My brother can't drive a car

( ? ) Can my brother drive a car?


Comparative adjectives can be formed by adding more or less in front of the original adjective (more interesting, less calm) or adding -er to the end (slower, cheaper). Using both (a double comparative) is an error.

Comparative adjectives bisa digunakan dengan menambahkan 'more' atau 'less' didepan adjective(kata sifat) = "more beautiful, less expensive"

atau dengan menambahkan -er ke belakang kata sifat seperti cheaper, longer.

Benar = this book is cheaper.

Salah = this car is more cheaper. (Kalau pake -er, jangan pake 'more/less' lagi)

Hope it helps~ヾ(^∇^)

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Last Update: Sat, 29 Jan 22