Read the text and answer the questions ! the importance of

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Read the text and answer the questions !the importance of library

i personally believe that libraries are among humanity’s most important institutions for several


firstly, most of humanity’s collective knowledge is stored in libraries. secondly,

libraries protect and preserve this knowledge. they also classify or group the materials into

logical and easily available divisions.

furthermore, libraries make the materials available to everyone and even provide librarians to

help us find what we need.

finally, libraries are our link to the past and our gift to the future.

from the facts above, i conclude that libraries are important institutions for humanity.

questions :

1. what is the purpose of the text ?

2. how many arguments are there ?

3. what are the impotance of library ?

4. furthermore, libraries make the materials available to everyone and even provide

librarians to help us

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. The Importance Of Library

2.  I Don't Know

3. None

A. firstly, most of humanity’s collective knowledge is stored in libraries. secondly,

B. libraries protect and preserve this knowledge. they also classify or group the materials into

4. librarians to help us find what we need


Because Book It's Important For Kid, Teen, Adult, Older And Younger

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Last Update: Mon, 24 Jan 22