Twins were separated at birth andamazingly reunited through social media.Anais

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Twins were separated at birth andamazingly reunited through social media.
Anais and Samantha were both born in Busan,
South Korea, but were adopted into families on
different continents. Anais grew up in France
while Samantha lived in New Jersey.
26 years later, they connected on social
media and discovered that they were twins separated at birth
Anals first spotted her sister thanks
to a YouTube video where she noticed how
uncannily they looked alike. After seeing on
IMDB that Samantha, an actress, had the
same birthday that she did and was also born
In South Korea. Anais felt even more curious.
When she discovered that Samantha had
made a YouTube video called How It Feels to
Be Adopted, Anals decided to reach out over
Facebook and send a message to the girl who
looked just like her.
When Samantha responded confirming
that the city in South Korea where she was
born was the same city where Anls was born,
the two decided to "meet" via Skype. Once they
saw each other and spoke face to face, they
both felt sure that they were, in fact, biological
twins. They ended up meeting in London, and
Samantha admits it was "weird". Since, the two
have become extremely close, meeting again in
LA, traveling together, back to their home-city,
and going to a conference for adoptees in Korea.
The two girls tell their story as part of
Facebook stories, a project by FB to showcase
amazing things that they have happened
through the social network. The twins' story is beatifully done.
4. The best title for the news is ....
A. Twins separated in different countries
B. Twins to meet for the first time
C. Twins should meet after separated
D. Twins reunites through social media
E. Twins separating for some reasons
5. From the news, we know that ...
A. Anais was told by someone about
B. Anais grows in South Korea for 26 years.
C. Anais was the one who first spotted
D. Samantha knew that Anais was an actress.
E. Samantha didn't want to admit that
Anais is her sister.
6. What is the main idea of the fourth paragraph?
A. How Anais knew Samantha.
B. How Samantha responded Anais's
C. How the twins were separated.
D. How Anais admits that they are twins.
E. How social media informs the world
about the twins.
7. "..., a project by FB to showcase amazing
things ...."
The synonym of the underlined word is ....
A. demonstrate
B. suggest
C. mark
E. expose​

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4. .D



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Last Update: Sat, 26 Feb 22