Aircruise Australia in Style12-Day Great Australian AircruiseDeparts May-September 2014Highlights and

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari gevidamanik pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Aircruise Australia in Style12-Day Great Australian Aircruise
Departs May-September 2014
Highlights and inclusions:
Fullyinclusive, allmeals, allaccommodation, alltouringandtravelbyprivate
chartered Dash 8aircraft
Explorethe Australianoutback-flyingdirectlyintolongreach, Katherine, Darwin, the
Kimberly, Uluru and Kakadu
Experience the spectacular aerial sightseeing of the Bunge Bungle Range and
the Mitchel falls and exclusive ground touringthroughout
Fullyinclusivespecialofferpricefrom Melbourne$12,995perpersontwinshare.
Single supplement$1,629
27. Where is the text possibly printed?
A. Longreach.
B. Katherine.
C. Darwin.
D. Melbourne.
28.What is the text writtenfor?
A.To describeaircruise
B.To offer an aircruisetour
C.To inform the beauty ofoutback
D. To charter anaircraft​

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few historians write as Macaulay well better best

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Last Update: Tue, 20 Jul 21