have a best friend. His name is Dewangga. He is

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari johnxzte pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

have a best friend. His name is Dewangga. He is tall and fit. He likes to play many kinds of sport. But, he likes basketball the most. He joins the basketball extracurricular in the school. In the team, he is able to block the opponent with his big body. He also has good shooting skill. He can shoot three points excellently. He often gets praise from the coach and the supporters because of that. He is chosen as the captain of the team because he is capable to lead the team well. He ias able to listen to the concerns of the players. When a player struggles a lot, he will give encouragement so that they will no give up. If a player makes a mistake, he will not get angry easily. He listens to the difficulties then gives advice calmly. In class, dewangga always listens to the teacher well. But, he is not able to solve math problems quickly. He understands the problems and how to solve it, but his calculations is often inaccurate. He will ask me whether his calculation is already right or not. But, he will not do that inthe examination. On the other hand, he does well in English subject. He always gets good score on it. He can memorize a lot of vocabularies. Every day, he will note some new vocabularies and memorize the at home.he will ask his sister to check his memory. 7. What does the text tell us about?​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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the text tell us about Dewangga a best friend.

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Last Update: Tue, 04 Jan 22