The festival of San Fermin in northern Spain is famous

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The festival of San Fermin in northern Spain is famous for “the running of the bulls”. Hundreds of people run in front of a group of bulls. Runners wear white; they also tie a red scarf around their bodies. The run lasts three minutes. Runners try to escape from the bulls without falling or getting hit by them. Running with the bulls started in Spain in the 13th century, and it is still very popular today. Pamplona natives and visitors from many nations around the world join in. The run is very dangerous. So why do people do it? For some runners, it is a test of bravery. For others, the run makes them feel alive. 1. a. What did the runners do in the running of the bulls? 1. b. Why do people do the running of the bulls?Tolong jangan ngawur​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

The festival of San Fermin in northern Spain is famous for “the running of the bulls”. Hundreds of people run in front of a group of bulls. Runners wear white; they also tie a red scarf around their bodies. The run lasts three minutes. Runners try to escape from the bulls without falling or getting hit by them. Running with the bulls started in Spain in the 13th century, and it is still very popular today. Pamplona natives and visitors from many nations around the world join in. The run is very dangerous. So why do people do it? For some runners, it is a test of bravery. For others, the run makes them feel alive.


Translation into Indonesian

Festival San Fermin di Spanyol utara terkenal dengan "berlarinya banteng". Ratusan orang berlari di depan sekelompok banteng. Para pelari memakai pakaian putih; mereka juga mengikatkan selendang merah di tubuh mereka. Lari berlangsung selama tiga menit. Para pelari mencoba melarikan diri dari banteng tanpa jatuh atau tertabrak. Berlari dengan banteng dimulai di Spanyol pada abad ke-13, dan masih sangat populer hingga saat ini. Penduduk asli Pamplona dan pengunjung dari banyak negara di seluruh dunia bergabung. Larinya sangat berbahaya. Jadi mengapa orang melakukannya? Bagi sebagian pelari, ini adalah ujian keberanian. Bagi yang lain, lari membuat mereka merasa hidup.

Answer Question Number 1

(Menjawab Pertanyaan Nomor 1)


a. What did the runners do in the running of the bulls?

(Apa yang dilakukan para pelari dalam permainan "berlarinya banteng"?)


Runners try to escape from the bulls without falling or getting hit by them.

(Para pelari mencoba melarikan diri dari banteng tanpa jatuh atau tertabrak.)

b. Why do people do the running of the bulls?

(Mengapa orang melakukan lari banteng?)


For some runners, it is a test of bravery. For others, the run makes them feel alive.

(Bagi sebagian pelari, ini adalah ujian keberanian. Bagi yang lain, lari membuat mereka merasa hidup.)

I Hope This Help ^^




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Last Update: Mon, 17 Jan 22