PRFRead the dialogue and answer the questions.2.She is aShe woIpeh

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari sendrawatiliong011 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Read the dialogue and answer the questions.
She is a
She wo
Ipeh : Mimin, can you accompany me to the puskesmas?
Mimin : Yes, sure. Are you sick?
Ipeh : No, I'm not. I have a homework. I have to write about the
occupations of puskesmas staff.
Mimin : Okay, I think I can help you. My mother works at the
puskesmas. I know some occupations,
Ipeh : Can you name them?
Mimin : Yes, there are doctors, nurses, dentists, orderlies, ambulance
drivers, security guards, and janitors. That's all I know.
Ipeh : Thank you, Mimin. That is really helpful.
Mimin : You're welcome.
They are
They wc
Answer the questions.
1. Who is going to the puskesmas?
2. Who has a homework?
3. Where does Mimin's mother work?
4. Does Mimin help Ipeh do the homework?
5. What are the occupations at the puskesmas?
G Look at the pictures and complete the
She is a
She wor
What does he do?​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. She is Ipeh

2. She is Ipeh

3. She works at puskesmas

4. Yes, she does

5. there are doctors, nurses, dentists, orderlines, ambulance drivers, security guards, and janitors.

Budayakan membaca sebelum menjawab ya!


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Last Update: Mon, 23 Aug 21