crickets => HabitatFoodActivityCharacteristics

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Crickets => Habitat

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.



  • Habitat : Crickets live in almost any environment-forests, grasslands, wetlands, caves, beaches, and underground. Crickets, like other animals, will make their home wherever they can find food, water, air, shelter, and space.

  • Food : Crickets are omnivores. This means that a natural cricket diet consists of plants and meat and includes protein, grains, and produce. In the wild, crickets will consume a wide-ranging diet including insect larvae, aphids, flowers, seeds, leaves, fruit, and grasses.

  • Activity : Crickets sleep during the day and look for food and do cricket stuff at night. Only male crickets sing, and they sing to attract a female cricket for a mate. They make their chirping song by either rubbing their wings together, or rubbing a leg against a wing. The ear picks up the vibrations of the chirps and helps the females find the males.

  • Characteristics : Crickets have cylindrical bodies, rounded heads, long antennae and strong hind legs with particularly long thighs. Most crickets are black or brown, though a few are green. The largest crickets in the world, the bull cricket family, can grow to be two inches long.

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Last Update: Mon, 30 May 22