It was chilly late of July afternoon. I participated in

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari nailaazkiyyah2005 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

It was chilly late of July afternoon. I participated in a camping activity with myfriends. It was my first camping. I arrived at camp, my heart was racing. With sore and stiff legs we clumsily got out of our car after being crammed in there for our three and a half hour
journey from our hometown to the camping area. I looked around and examined this new
place that I was in and it was full of nature. The first thing my friends and I did when we
arrived at the location was to set up our tent. Thankfully I had my friends with me who had gone camping a couple of times before. My friend also taught me to set a campfire. The first night ran well. In the next morning we woke up early and started making breakfast.
We tossed some eggs. After that, we decided to hike. During the hike, my friends and
were very lucky as we reached an area with a waterfall squeezed between the rocks of the mountain. Even though the water was a bit chilly, we decided to take a dip in it and
were definitely not left disappointed. We slept
soundly because of tiredness. The third day was our last camping. We cleaned the area
around our camp. We also took some pictures before we went home. Overall, it was fun and
exhilarating. I really hope I can go camping again next time. ​
It was chilly late of July afternoon. I participated in a camping activity with myfriends. It was my first camping. I arrived at camp, my heart was racing. With sore and stiff legs we clumsily got out of our car after being crammed in there for our three and a half hourjourney from our hometown to the camping area. I looked around and examined this newplace that I was in and it was full of nature. The first thing my friends and I did when wearrived at the location was to set up our tent. Thankfully I had my friends with me who had gone camping a couple of times before. My friend also taught me to set a campfire. The first night ran well. In the next morning we woke up early and started making breakfast.We tossed some eggs. After that, we decided to hike. During the hike, my friends andwere very lucky as we reached an area with a waterfall squeezed between the rocks of the mountain. Even though the water was a bit chilly, we decided to take a dip in it andwere definitely not left disappointed. We sleptsoundly because of tiredness. The third day was our last camping. We cleaned the areaaround our camp. We also took some pictures before we went home. Overall, it was fun andexhilarating. I really hope I can go camping again next time. ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


6. E.

7. C.

8. E.

9. D.

10. D.

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Last Update: Wed, 04 Aug 21