The National Art Gallery is one of the most visited

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The National Art Gallery is one of the most visited buildings in town. It is the best place for art lovers to visit. It (1)________that the art gallery (2)__________by 2 million people a year.A lot of famous paintings (3)_________here. The paintings (4)__________by prominent painters. The paintings (5)_________by their styles and periods. Those from colonial periods (6)_________in the left wing and those of the 60s, 70s, and 90s (7)_________in the right wing. The ticket to enter the art gallery is very cheap. It only costs Rp 20,000. When we go around the art gallery, we (8)_________by many guides who are able to speak five languages: Bahasa, English, German, French, and Japanese During the tour, cameras (9)_________Aso, cellphones (10)________​
The National Art Gallery is one of the most visited buildings in town. It is the best place for art lovers to visit. It (1)________that the art gallery (2)__________by 2 million people a year.A lot of famous paintings (3)_________here. The paintings (4)__________by prominent painters. The paintings (5)_________by their styles and periods. Those from colonial periods (6)_________in the left wing and those of the 60s, 70s, and 90s (7)_________in the right wing. The ticket to enter the art gallery is very cheap. It only costs Rp 20,000. When we go around the art gallery, we (8)_________by many guides who are able to speak five languages: Bahasa, English, German, French, and Japanese During the tour, cameras (9)_________Aso, cellphones (10)________​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. (is) report (ed)

2. (is) visit (ed)

3. exhibit (s)

4. paint (ed)

5. display (ed)

6. group (ed)

7. (is) place (d)

8. (are) guide (d)

9. turn (ed) off

10. (are) prohibit (ed)

maap kalo salah

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Last Update: Sun, 27 Feb 22