The third form of ‘Be’ is….. * Was Were Been

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari venydhiu pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

The third form of ‘Be’ is….. * Was Were Been Being The second form of ‘Watch’ is…. * Watched Watchd Watches Watch The third form of ‘See’ is….. * Sees Seen Saw Seeing The second form of ‘Take’ is…… * Took Taken Takes Taking The third form of ‘Go’ is….. * Goes Going Gone Went The second form of ‘Ban’ is…. * Banning Bans Banned Baned The second form of ‘Teach’ is….. * Teaching Teachs Taught Teaches The second form of ‘Be’ for plural subjects is… * Is Were Was Are The second form of ‘Come’ is…. * Comed Come Came Coming The third form of ‘Sing’ is… * Singing Sung Sang Sings The first form of ‘come’ is…. * coming comes come came The third form ‘Come’ is…. * Coming Come Comes Came The third form of ‘Take’ is….. * Taken Takes Take Took The second form of ‘dug’ is…. * digs dug dig digging

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Write the simple past and past participle of the following verbs.

2. Do - did - done.

3. Eat - ate - eaten.

4. Call - called - called.

5. Begin - began - begun.

6. Give - gave - given.

7. Answer - answered - answered.

8. See - saw - seen.

9. Have - had - had.

10. Go - went - gone.

11. Study - studied - studied.

12. Teach - taught - taught.

13. Make - made - made.

14. Talk - talked - talked.


Choose the correct verb from the list below to complete the following sentences. Put the verb in the present prefect tense. take / work / find / see / speak / know / begin do / learn / eat / have / write / give / live / buy / be

1. I met Barbara when we were in elementary school. We have known each other for over twenty years.

2. We have learned many new words since we started this course.

3. That's a wonderful movie. I have seen it three times.

4. Mr. and Mrs. Tonner have been married for 10 years.

5. You are late! The class has already started.

6. Robert is my neighbor. He has lived next door to me for five years.

7. Mary has written several letters to her parents since she left home.

8. We have eaten in that restaurant several times.

9. Our teacher has given us a lot of help with the homework assignment.

10. She has spoken to her landlord many times about the broken window.

11. We have a new camera. We have taken some beautiful pictures of the grandchildren.

12. They have done all their homework already.

13. Mrs. Baxter has bought all her groceries for the week.

14. Tommy has had a bad cold for two weeks.

15. Frank has worked for that company for many years.

16. After three months of looking, she has found a beautiful apartment to rent.

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Last Update: Wed, 08 Dec 21