Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari fauziahh1295 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Jawaban dan Penjelasan
Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.
1. Complete the sentences! Use the correct one of the words in the box! Use the correct form of the verbs!
- Joko Purnomo lives in Tangerang, Banten. He lives with his wife, Sari Wulandari. They have two children, Joko and Sari. Joko loves his family.
- Joko works as a police officer in Tangerang. He goes to his office in the moming. He likes his job. He is a good police officer. He becomes police officer because he likes to help people. He protects the citizens of Tangerang. He solves crimes and catches criminals. He keeps the citizens safe.
- Sometimes he visits the schools. He talks to students. He answers some questions from the students. They like him. Officer Joko Purnomo is a hero in Tangerang.
2. Complete the sentences with a verb in the box! Use the present perfect!
- Udin : Your house looks different.
- Ucok : Oh, yes. I have painted it.
- Ayu :I can't find my umbrella.
- Tati : Where is it?
- Ayu :I don't know. Somebody has taken it.
- Mary : Do you want the newspaper?
- Indah : No, thanks. I have read it.
- Father : Are the children still having breakfast?
- Mother: No. They have eaten.
- Joko: Is Buyung here?
- Ujang : No. He has gone to work.
1. Descriptive Tekt-Present Tense
➡ Digunakan untuk No. 1 karena teks adalah Descriptive Text yang menggambarkan objek "joko" dengan menjelaskannya joko berupa fakta yang ada dalam dirinya.
➡ Berarti menggunakan Present Tense karena menyatakan fakta tentang seseorang "Joko" dan kegiatan yang dilakukannya kadang-kadang "sometimes."
➡ Rumusnya:
- (+) S + V1 (-s/es)
- (-) S + do/does + not + V1
- (?) Do/does + S + V1?
➡ Catatan:
- I/You/We/They + Verb-1
- He/She/it + Verb+s
2. Present Perfect
➡ Digunakan untuk No. 2 karena sesuai perintah soal harus menggunakan Present Perfect yang berfungsi dalam menyatakan kegiatan yang sudah selesai tapi masih ada kaitannya di masa sekarang.
➡ Rumusnya:
- (+) S + has/have + V3
- (+) S + has/have + not + V3
- (?) has/have + S + V3?
➡ Catatan:
- I/You/We/They + have
- He/She/it/Somebody + has
1. Teks deskriptifnya berisi kalimat yang berisi subjek tunggal "joko/he" maka menggunakan Present Tense dengan pola "verb+s" :
a) Joko loves his family.
➡ Joko mencintai keluarganya.
- love+s ➡ loves
b) Joko works as a police officer in Tangerang.
➡ Joko bekerja sebagai petugas polisi di Tangerang.
- work+s ➡ works
c) He goes to his office in the morning.
➡ Dia pergi ke kantornya di pagi hari.
- go+es ➡ goes
d) Sometimes he visits the schools.
➡ Kadang-kadang dia mengunjungi sekolah.
- visit+s ➡ visits
d) He answers some questions from the students.
➡ Dia menjawab beberapa pertanyaan dari siswa.
- answer+s ➡ answers
2. Kalimat dalam bentuk Present Perfectdengan polahas/have+V3 :
a) I have painted it.
➡ Saya telah mewarnainya.
- Subjek "I" ➡ have + V3 (painted)
b) Somebody has taken it.
➡ Seseorang telah mengambilnya.
- Subjek "somebody" ➡ has + V3 (taken)
c) I have read it.
➡ Saya sudah membacanya.
- Subjek "I" ➡ have + V3 (read)
d) They have eaten.
➡ Mereka sudah makan.
- Subjek "they" ➡ have + V3 (eaten)
e) He has gone to work.
➡ Dia sudah pergi kerja.
- Subjek "he" ➡ has + V3 (gone)
- Descriptive Text:
- Present Tense:
- Present Perfect:
- Kelas: 9
- Mapel: Bahasa Inggris
- Materi: Grammar
- Kode: 9.5
Kata kunci: Descriptive Text, Present Tense, Present Perfect
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Last Update: Sat, 03 Jul 21