Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari STUDY2202 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Jawaban dan Penjelasan
Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.
10. C
11. D
12. E
13. B
14. E
15. D
10. What is the text about?
Jawaban C. The advantages and disadvantages of extracurricular activities.
- The advantages: Students who participate in these activities improve their academic scores and social life. Extracurricular activities can also help reduce many peer pressure extracurricular activities can help improve students' academics.
- The disadvantages: Extracurricular activities take time and this can affect on how much time the student has to complete his work or study. This can lead to a student doing poorly on tests
11. From the text, we know that extracurricular activities affect their performance in doing tests. (Jawaban D)
- Berdasarkan kalimat "Extracurricular activitiestake time and thiscan affect on how much time the student has to complete his work or study. This can lead to a student doing poorly on tests."
12 Although extracurricular activities take up a lot of time, they are worth the time that a student puts into it.
- Meskipun kegiatan ekstrakurikuler memakan banyak waktu, kegiatan tersebut sepadan dengan waktu yang dihabiskan siswa di dalamnya.
The underlined word can be replaced by spend. (Jawaban E)
- Add = menambahkan
- Put = memasukkan
- Use = menggunakan
- Leave = meninggalkan
- Spend = menghabiskan.
Teddy is my schoolmate. All students know him because he is the best student in my school. Teddy is from a rich family. 13) Even though his father is a millionaire, Teddy's family lives in a small house. Teddy is never arrogant. Although his father ride a car, Teddy goes to school by bicycle or bus. He is also a clever student. He always helps me when I can't finish my homework. Teddy gets a lot of allowance from his parents. 14) However he rarely goes to the canteen. He usually brings a lunch box prepared by his mother. Even though he is rich, he only 15) eats vegetables and fruits.
- Teddy adalah teman sekolahku. Semua siswa mengenalnya karena dia adalah siswa terbaik di sekolahku. Teddy berasal dari keluarga kaya. 13) Meskipun ayahnya adalah seorang jutawan, keluarga Teddy tinggal di sebuah rumah kecil. Teddy tidak pernah sombong. Meskipun ayahnya mengendarai mobil, Teddy pergi ke sekolah dengan sepeda atau bus. Ia juga termasuk siswa yang pintar. Dia selalu membantu saya ketika saya tidak bisa menyelesaikan pekerjaan rumah saya. Teddy mendapat banyak uang saku dari orang tuanya. 14) Namun dia jarang pergi ke kantin. Dia biasanya membawa kotak makan siang yang disiapkan oleh ibunya. Meski kaya, dia hanya 15) makan sayur dan buah
Pelajari Lebih Lanjut
Nomor 1 – 4 :
Nomor 5 - 9 :
Kelas: 12
Mapel: Bahasa Inggris
Materi: Reading
Kode: 12.5
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Last Update: Mon, 02 May 22