Make 10 Sentence proverb And 10 sentence Riddle With the

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Make 10 Sentence proverb And 10 sentence Riddle With the meaning​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


In English,a proverb is an expression or phrase which includes or even tells wise words or advice in it. It can be explicitly or implicitly stated, even with metaphors sometime. Meanwhile, a riddle is a basically a statement or query about something to be guessed by others. It can be for fun or for meaningful one. Riddles can be made on your own if you're clever enough to create one.


Here are the examples of those proverbs

Action speaks louder than words (it means 'what one does is more essential what one says')  

All good things come to an end (it means 'nothing lasts forever, even something good that happens to us.')

Beggars can't be choosers (it means 'men without any privilege can't choose anything they want. They just have to deal with everything they get.')

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder (it means 'the definition of who's beautiful can differ depending on each people.')

Don't count your chicken before they hatch (it means 'never predict anything positive before it really happens.')

Don't judge the book from its cover (it means 'never be fooled by the appearance.')

Honesty is the best policy (it means 'telling the truth is the best thing to do.')

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer (it means 'try to treat your enemy more than  a friend so that you can find their deepest secret.')

Easy come, easy go (usually it's about money, which means 'the money that you get easily, eventually will be gone easily too.')

Knowledge is power (it means 'there's nothing more powerful than being knowledgeable and resourceful.')

Here are the example of riddles

Something which tastes better than it smells (tongue)

what has a bottom at the top? (legs)

It has many keys but can't open a single lock? (a piano)

which month do people sleep the least ? (February as there are fewer nights in that month)

something which has an eye but can't see? (a needle)

a room which has no doors and windows? (a mushroom)

what gets broken without being held? (a promise)

what has hands but can't clap? ( a clock)

something which goes to cities and fields but never moves ? (a road)

'The beast' which often loses against 'a rooster'? ( a lion which represents England and they often loses historically or in football game against 'a rooster' which symbolises France. )

Pelajari lebih lanjut:

Materi tentang proverbs

Materi tentang riddles

Detail jawaban:

Kelas: SMA

Mapel: English

Kategori: proverb and expression




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Last Update: Wed, 04 Aug 21