11. Ayu : “Why do you prefer Sahabat Department

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari tiaraainur19 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

11. Ayu : “Why do you prefer Sahabat Department Store to others ?”Putri : “Because the items ... at a reasonable price.”

a. Were sold

b. Are being sold

c. Is sold

d. Are sold

e. was sold

12. “A well-known architect is designing our new office.” The passive form of the sentence is “Our new office ... by a well-known architect.”

a. Designs

b. Desigined

c. Is designed

d. is being designed

e. to be designed

13. Angga : “When paintings will be exhibited tomorrow ?”

Bagas : “We don’t know yet they ... by a team.”

a. Still be selected

b. Are still being selected

c. Are still selecting

d. still selected

e. are still selected

14. Yandi is looking forward to her birthday because he ... a new watch.

a. Being promised

b. Has been promised

c. Promised

d. has been promising

e. had been promising

15. “I have taken the salt: The form of passive voice of this sentence is ...

a. The salt has been taken by me

b. The salt have been taken by me

c. The salt have been taken by him

d. The salt had been taken by him

e. The salt has been taken by her

bantu jawab Kaka kakaa​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


11. A. were sold

12. D. is being designed

13. B. are still being selected

14. B. has been promised

15. B. the salt have been taken by me

maaf klo salah


materi : grammar

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Last Update: Fri, 20 Aug 21