QUANTIFIERS ASSIGNMENTMake countable and uncountable sentences use wordsExample:● Many –

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari jesayaprasastia pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

QUANTIFIERS ASSIGNMENTMake countable and uncountable sentences use words


● Many – chickens

There are many chickens in my uncle farm.

● Some – books

We need some books reference for our assignment.

● Any – books

I don’t have any books on the shelf.

There aren’t any books on the sofa.

Are there any books on the sofa?


Make countable and uncountable sentences use words

1. Much – sugar

2. Some – candies

3. Many – five apples

4. Any – salt

5. There is – a uniform

6. Much – syrup

7. Any – eggs

8. Many – chairs

9. There is – bottle

10. There are – much​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. Don't use to much sugar!

2. We need some candies to celebrate Halloween!

3. How many Apple do you have? I have 5 apples

4.Is there is any salt here?

5. -

6. Don't use Much syrup!

7. Did you have any eggs?

8. there is so many chairs

9. there is your bottle

10. there are so much nice person in the world ❤

jadikan brainliest answer❤

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Last Update: Mon, 07 Mar 22