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Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari Rian123987 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

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tolong kak tolong 1-10nya​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. My name is Rachel, I live in Manhattan. I live in an apartment with my roommate, her name is Monica. (Namaku Rachel, aku tinggal di Manhattan. Aku tinggal di apartemen dengan teman sekamarku, namanya Monica.)

2. I am Joey. My job is an actor, I have friend named Chandler, His job is transporting. We live together in an apartment. (Aku Joey. Pekerjaan saya adalah seorang aktor, aku punya teman bernama Chandler, pekerjaannya adalah transporting. Kami tinggal bersama di sebuah apartemen.)

3. Tell me about yourself briefly! (Ceritakan tentang diri kamu secara singkat!)

  • My name is (isi namamu).I am(isi umurmu) years old, I live in (isi kotamu/daerah). I'm studying at (isi nama sekolahmu). I have (one/two/three) brothers/sisters (KALAU ANAK TUNGGAL JWBNNYA : I'm an only child.)

4. What is preposition? (Apa itu preposisi?)

Jawaban : A preposition is a word that connects a noun to a phrase. Prepositions have characteristics as words that are used in front of nouns to connect words with clauses or sentence by sentence. (Preposisi adalah kata yang menghubungkan kata benda dengan frasa. Preposisi memiliki ciri-ciri sebagai kata yang digunakan di depan kata benda untuk menghubungkan kata dengan klausa atau kalimat dengan kalimat.)

5. Please, make 3 sentences using Preposition (in, on, at)!

Jawaban :

  1. I live in Jogjakarta.
  2. I am on the bus.
  3. I go to school at 7 in the morning.

6. Mention some Expression of Congratulating!

  1. Congratulation for your succes.
  2. Congrats, Lina! you did well.
  3. Congratulations, you did it!

7. Mention some Expression of Complimenting!

  1. You look amazing!
  2. I love your hair!
  3. What a beautiful painting!

8. (+) "I would like to buy a ticket ro Disneyland for next week"

(-) "I would not to buy ticket to Disneyland next week"

(?) "Would I have to buy a ticket to Disneyland for next week?"

9. What is simpel future tense?

Jawaban : Simple Future Tense is a sentence that states a state or action that will occur in the future. Usually states what has not happened and will happen. (Simple Future Tense adalah kalimat yang menyatakan keadaan atau tindakan yang ada dimasa depan. Biasanya menyatakan apa yang belum terjadi dan akan terjadi.)

10. (+) I’m going to the beach next weekend with my family.

(-) i'm not going to the beach next week with my family.

(-) Am I going to the beach next week with my family?


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Last Update: Sat, 15 Jan 22