Manager Sun Lee Wholesalers Ltd 248 Yuen Fa Street M

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari firdhaaprilia48 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Manager Sun Lee Wholesalers Ltd 248 Yuen Fa Street M Kowloon Thank you Dear (1) Mr. Lee, for your (2)... about our newly developed range of fire safety and prevention products. I have (3) ... our most recent catalogue, and you will find that we have quite a comprehensive inventory including our most recently released range of construction related products. We offer our existing customers a 10% (4) ... on all orders of products from our new range of construction related products . We would be happy to extend this offer to you if you register an account with us before June 30, 2020, and additionally as a new customer you will receive a further 5% discount on your total order. I hope you will find the information I have provided useful. I would be happy to have one of our account managers contact you with a view to establishing an account with us, or if you have any further questions about our products or services, you may call me directly on 2255 4423 ext 001. Thank you for considering Newfangled Safety Equipment Co. as your safety product provider, we (5) ... to doing business with you, Sincerely, Cindy Chai Cindy Chol Merchandising Manager​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Answer :

What does it mean?

Explanation :

A paragraph is a collection of sentences containing one main idea or main idea. Therefore, the definition of a paragraph is a sentence or a group of sentences or a group of sentences or a combination of sentences that initiates one main idea.

Note :

Sorry if my answer is wrong

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Last Update: Sat, 02 Apr 22