Questions 1 – 5 Read the passage carefully, and

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari namelysa pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Questions 1 – 5 Read the passage carefully, and then answer the following questions.Andi : Linda, do you know how to get to Samson’s and Co.? I’ve never been there


Linda : Are you driving or taking the subway?

Andi : The subway.

Linda : Take the blue line from 14th avenue and change to the grey line at Andrew

Square. Get off at 83rd street.

Andi : Yes, thanks. Now, once I get to Andrew Square, how do I proceed?

Linda : Once you are on 83rd street, go straight on, past the bank. Take the second left

and continue straight on. It’s opposite Jack’s Bar.

Andi : Thanks, Linda. How long does it take to get there?

Linda : It takes about a half-hour. When is your meeting?

Andi : It’s at ten. I will leave at nine-thirty.

Linda : That’s a busy time. You should leave at nine.

Andi : Ok, thanks Linda.

Linda : Not at all.

1. Who want to go to Samson’s and Co.?

2. Does Linda know how to get to Samson’s and Co.?

3. What does Linda do then?

4. Is Andi driving or taking the subway?

5. What time will Andi leave?

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. andi

2. yes, she does

3. explaining andi how to get to Samson's and Co.

4. taking the subway

5. nine

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Last Update: Wed, 04 Aug 21