Rapunzel Rapunzel was the most beautiful child in the world.

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Rapunzel Rapunzel was the most beautiful child in the world. When she was twelve years old the witch shut her up in a tower in the wood. The tower had neither steps nor door, there was only a small window above. One day the prince was riding through the wood. He saw a tower and walked closer to the tower. As he drew near he heard a voice singing so sweetly that he stood still and listened. It was Rapunzel in her loneliness trying to pass away the time with sweet songs. The prince wished to go in to her, and sought to find a door in the tower, but there was none. Once, as he was standing there under a tree, he saw the witch come up, and listened while she called out, "O Rapunzel , Rapunzell Let down your hair" Then he saw how Rapunzel let down her long hair, and how the witch climbed up by it and went in to her, and he said to himself, "Since that is the ladder I will climb it, and seek my fortune." And the next day, in the evening he went to the tower and cried, "O Rapunzel, Rapunzel! Let down your hair And she let down her hair, and the prince climbed up by it. Rapunzel was greatly terrified when she saw that a man had come in to her, because she had never seen one before, but the prince speaking so kindly to her. Then Rapunzel forgot her terror, and when he asked her to marry him, she said yes One day, the witch knew everything and she became very angry with Rapunzel. She cut her hair and put her in a desert place. Then the witch came back to the tower. In the night the prince came and cried, "O Rapunzel, Rapunzell Let down your hair." Then she let the hair down, and the prince climbed up, but there was no Rapunzel in the tower. There was the witch who was very angry with him. The prince tried to go down but he fell. He became blind. He wandered several years until at last he came to the desert place where Rapunzel lived. When Rapuzel saw him, she hugged him and cried. And when her tears touched his eyes they became clear again, and he could see her again. Then he took her to his kingdom and there they lived long and happily ​
Rapunzel Rapunzel was the most beautiful child in the world. When she was twelve years old the witch shut her up in a tower in the wood. The tower had neither steps nor door, there was only a small window above. One day the prince was riding through the wood. He saw a tower and walked closer to the tower. As he drew near he heard a voice singing so sweetly that he stood still and listened. It was Rapunzel in her loneliness trying to pass away the time with sweet songs. The prince wished to go in to her, and sought to find a door in the tower, but there was none. Once, as he was standing there under a tree, he saw the witch come up, and listened while she called out,

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Halo, cutzahraf!

1. The Witch shut Rapunzel up in the tower in the wood.

2. The Prince climbed up into the tower by Rapunzel's hair.

3. The Witch was very angry with Rapunzel because the Witch knew that Rapunzel had a relationship with the Prince and Rapunzel said yes when the Prince asked her to marry him.

4. The prince became blind because he fell off the tower.

5. When the Prince met Rapunzel again, Rapunzel hugged him and cried. And when her tears touched his eyes they became clear again, and he could see her again. Then he took her to his kingdom and there they lived long and happily.

6. Moral value that we can learn from the story is that if things are destined to happen, then one day they will happen, all we have to do is be patient and not give up.

Semoga membantu, ya. :-)

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Last Update: Mon, 02 May 22