1. I am running out of my internet quota. I

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari firmansyah8589 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

1. I am running out of my internet quota. I ___________ that I cannot activate my personal hot-spot. *a. regret to telling you
b. regret to tell you
c. telling you
d. regret
e. regret for telling

2. Please remember ___________ during this pandemic. *

a. not to make/ approach the crowd
b. not to making/approaching the crowd during this pandemic
c. to not make/ approach the crowd
d. to do not make/approach the crowd during this pandemic
e. a & b

3. I cannot go home now. It __________ *

a. is starting to rain
b. is starting rain
c. is starting rain
d. is starting heavy rain
e. a & b

4. Now my little brother often shows a syringe to me. I __________ him that I am afraid of injection/syringe. *

a. regret tell
b. regret to tell
c. regret for telling
d. regret to telling
e. regret telling

5. My sibling always remembers ___________. *

a. staying in the same room with CR7
b. stay in the same room with CR7
c. for staying in the same room with CR7
d. a & b
e. to staying in the same room with CR7

6. Satsuke Uchiha used to ___________ Naruto and Sakura__________. *

a. make; cry
b. makes; cry
c. made; cry
d. made; cried
e. make; cried

7. Naruto and Sakura really_________ Satsuke__________. *

a. wanted; for coming back
b. wanted; for returning home
c. wanted; coming back
d. wanted; come back
e. wanted; to come back

8. Naruto, the member of team 7 really ___________ with new people.

a. love make friends
b. loves to make friends
c. love to make friends
d. loves making friends
e. love for making friends

9. Another Sinobi asked Sakura and Naruto____________ Satsuke since the guy had turned in to a criminal.

a. to stop searching for
b. to stopped for searching
c. to stop for searching
d. to stop to find
e. to stop to search for

10. I always remember_____________ the scene when Naruto said “a friend that only saves himself and left his friend in danger alone is just like a garbage”.

a. watch
b. watching
c. a & b
d. for watching
e. view​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. d

2. c

3. a

4. c

5. c

6. a

7. e

8.  b

9. a

10. b

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Last Update: Mon, 28 Feb 22